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Samphire 9'6" Paddle Board

Heißverschweißte Schichten für Strapazierfähigkeit und leichte Leistung
Sichere Befestigung der Ausrüstung mit verstellbaren Ladungsgurten
Rutschfestes EVA-Deck
Bietet eine stabile, rutschfeste Oberfläche
Robuster Tragegriff
Robuster Griff für einfachen Transport

1 abnehmbare Finne & 2 geformte Finnen
Sorgt für Stabilität und einfache Lagerung
Samphire-Paddleboards werden mit der MonoFusionWeld (MFW)-Technologie hergestellt, bei der zwei Schichten durch Hitze zu einer starken Monoschicht verschweißt werden. Das Ergebnis sind leichte, aber dennoch supersteife Boards für ein stabiles und angenehmes Paddleboarding-Erlebnis. Anders als einlagige Boards, die instabil sein können, und schwere doppellagige Boards bietet die MFW-Technologie das Beste aus allen Welten und die Nachteile von keiner.
Haben Sie eine Frage? Wir sind hier, um zu helfen.
Unser Support-Team ist montags bis freitags von 08:30 bis 18:00 Uhr (GMT) für Sie da. Wenn Ihre Frage nicht hier ist, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt.
All FAQs
How much does delivery cost?
Die Lieferung ist für DE-Bestellungen über €244,95
Otherwise, delivery cost will be £4.99 for UK orders and £9.99 for EU orders.
Which SUP should I choose?
Not sure which paddleboard is right for you? Check out our guide to help you decide.
SUP Guide
What safety equipment do I need?
Your safety is our top priority. We exclusively offer boards from reputable brands to ensure your security on the water.
Most SUPs will come with a safety leash. Check the description above, and consider purchasing one separately if one is not included.
You should always wear a buoyancy aid or personal floatation device. For more information, see our SUP safety guide.
SUP Safety Guide
How to stay safe when paddleboarding?
Always wear a buoyancy aid or personal floatation device. Ensure you are using a suitable leash for your paddling environment and conditions. Calf or ankle leashes should not be used on fast-flowing water where this is a risk of snagging or entrapment. Straight (non-coiled) leashes should be used when surfing.
For more information, see our SUP safety guide.
SUP Safety Guide
What size SUP should I get?
The length you choose largely depends on what you will use your board for. The general rule of thumb is longer boards are faster than shorter boards, but shorter boards are more maneuverable.
Check out our guide for more information.
SUP Guide
How long is the warranty?
This product comes with a 2 year warranty.
How long does delivery take?
Delivery time depends on whether we are currently holding the stock at one of our warehouses, and your location. An estimated delivery date is shown below the add to cart button.
Will I have to pay customs or duties?
There will be no extra duty or customs charges to pay on orders delivered to the UK or EU.
Where do you deliver?
We currently only offer delivery to: UK, Germany, France, Spain & Ireland.
What pressure do I pump to?
For optimum stability and performance in the water, we recommend all Samphire boards are pumped up to at least 12psi.
How long does inflation take?
Around 10-12 minutes.
It will take around 7-8 minutes of pumping before the needle on the gauge starts to move. During these ~7 minutes, the board will inflate and it will take the final shape of the board - but only then will pressure start to increase on the pressure gauge. Do not expect to see any movement on the pressure gauge for the first ~7 minutes of pumping - even if your board has taken its full shape and looks like a fully inflated paddleboard! Pressure will gradually increase from ~0psi to ~15psi in the last 5 minutes or so of pumping.
Why are my side fins misshapen?
Samphire paddleboards can arrive with the two flexible side fins slightly out of shape due to being compressed when packed and transported. These are designed to be flexible and malleable, and will straighten over time once unpacked - and can be helped along by hand if required.